Monday, January 3, 2011

Innis and Gunn Original

So tonight I had no intentions of reviewing another beer but, when I got to work my co-worker had the remaining 3 beers of a Innis and Gunn Original 4 pack.  Of course, being the dedicated beer connoisseur
I am I could not resist.

This beer which I assume is a Lager based on clairity hails from Edinburgh Scotland via The Innis and Gunn Brewery which is a relative new comer to the world of beer, since opening their doors in 2003.

 This beer pours crystal clear and is a copper, or honey color.  The beer pours with about 3/4" of bright white head, which falls quickly.  The aroma has some vanilla tones, but reminds me of sour mash whiskey.  Some slight malt aromas, I smell no hops what so ever.

The first taste of this beer takes me by surprise.  This was not what I was expecting, vanilla, some oak, hints of smoke.  This does not taste like any other beer I have ever had the privilege of sampling.  I am searching for it, but I can detect no malt character, no hop character, just vanilla, oak, and whiskey flavors.   This beer is beginning to remind me of watered down whiskey.  Wow I would have never expected aging 77 days in Oak whiskey barrels would have added so much flavor. 

 The mouth feel is light to medium bodied, and the carbonation is good.  But there is just to much whiskey flavor in this for me to enjoy it.

This is not going to be one of my favorite beers, but it still looks incredible.  So while it may not be for me, it could be your favorite.  I however am going to give this beer a C-.

If your a whiskey/bourbon drinker looking to get into the world of craft beer, I would say this one is for you!  This beer also comes in a 6.6% ABV.

Disagree with my review?  Leave your own in the comments section.



  1. I wonder if the blonde version would be better, maybe take out a little bit of the whiskey flavor you're tasting. Cuz it looks fantastic even in the picture but I don't like the idea of watered down whiskey too much either. What do you think?

  2. Check out Innis and Gunn's website....I remember they had a Rum barrel ages beer also. Yeah like I said in the review I was highly impressed with the color, and clarity
