This review will be my last of 2010. Not to worry beer geeks, 2011 will bring some exciting changes here at Excessive HoppYness. The brewery will be operational (I hope). Currently everything is going as planned and we are on schedule. Our 1/3bbl All Grain system is almost complete, which is very exciting. While all that is laying in pieces inside the brewery, I wanted to brew! So while brewing my very own "Sweet Chocolate Stout" I sampled Brooklyn Brewing Company's offering "Black Chocolate Stout."
Not my picture, my flash was not working last night. |
So first off, I must apologize my camera flash did not work last night. The pictures I've used today are not mine and pulled from Google Images. So thanks for an excellent pic to the photographer! Any way on to the review.
The stout pours smooth, and leaves about 1 inch of khaki colored head, that lasts for quite some time, the lacing remained for almost the entire glass. The aroma is rich with malt, slightly sweet, some smooth chocolaty notes, along with a very slight raisin notes.
This stout has a thick, almost velvety mouth feel. The first taste is rich with wonderful sweet, roasted malt flavor. Notes of dark chocolate accompany some coffee like flavors in the middle. On the back end the slight raisin notes, along with some alcohol flavor. This was expected as this beer is 10% ABV!
Overall impression - This is a wonderful Stout! I will be picking this up again! A+
This can be purchased locally in Tallahassee FL at the New Leaf Market on Apalachee Parkway.
Disagree with my review? Post up your in the comments!
Cheers and I hope you had a great 2010!